Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Housekeeping Poll סקר נטל הבית

Thanks to Bethany W of the Carolyn Hax Commenting Crowd for giving me the idea for my poll (see left). Do vote!


  1. You don't mow the lawn and change oil every day, while cleaning-cooking-laundry is daily and endless!

  2. Precisely. That's why I'm interested in finding out which group of tasks is more loathed. I, for instance, voted for no. 2.

  3. I regard cooking differently. Sometimes I actually enjoy it. If I could, I would have a detailed discussion with the fairy.

  4. Cute poll. But I can't vote. Here's the problem: I hardly cook any more; I don't do the housecleaning; my husband does the laundry. Someone else takes care of the lawn; the car place does the oil changing; fix-it stuff goes to a pretty anal and competent individual (same person who does the laundry). Yes, I sound spoiled. I would like a caterer on call, however, and free. Does that work?

  5. I can't vote. Here's the problem: I hardly cook at all anymore. Someone else does the cleaning. My husband does the laundry. The lawn is taken care of by a company. The oil is changed at the car place. The fixit person (aka, above husband) is fairly anal and quite competent and broken things bother him more than me. Yes, I know I sound spoiled. I would, however, like a caterer on call and free. Does that work?
