Tuesday, November 3, 2020

States' "rights". That's "right".

Been doing some thinking – always a dangerous thing – about “states’ rights”. Why in quotes? Because you only ever hear of certain states braying about them…the red states. “States’ rights” have become code for suppressing rights: the right of women to reproductive freedom; and the right of everyone to personal safety.

States were originally allowed autonomy because it was recognized that they differed in their needs, i.e., urban versus rural; economies based on farming versus industry versus tourism versus mining, minerals, and timber; mountainous versus flat; coastal versus inland. But there’s absolutely no difference between a woman wanting an abortion in a coastal versus an inland, or a mountainous versus a flat state. Neither is the way the state’s people make a living related in any wise to reproductive rights.

The same applies to personal safety: When a state enacts gun laws, those laws don’t affect that state’s citizens only; they affect visitors from other states. I have just as much right to personal safety in Kansas or Alaska as I do in New York or California, do I not? For that matter, so do visitors from other countries.

I understand that the farming-based states need a lower age for getting a driver’s license; and states certainly should issue their own hunting and fishing permits. But reproductive rights and personal safety? Every human being is entitled thereto; they should not differ from state to state.

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