Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hillary the gender traitor...they believe

OK, so I’m late to the analysis game, but just recently was I able to articulate my theory of why conservative women refused to vote for Hillary Clinton: Because they perceive her to be a gender traitor [credit to Margaret Atwood]; she had the audacity not to “do gender” as non-feminists view it, i.e., a woman whose husband has been outed as having messed around with his intern should get kicked to the curb, or, if that’s not possible, take their child and leave, and install herself in a condo or townhouse that she makes him pay for, and settle into comfortable obscurity.

Instead, Clinton was ambitious, and her ambitions overrode her husband’s philandering. Unlike many wives of public figures who are outed on any number of charges, not only did she “stick by him”, but she had the audacity to remain in the Executive branch and maintain a high profile regardless of him. “Benghazi” and “e-mails” were nothing but distractions or red herrings. Women who voted for Trump were more willing to vote for a man who had been outed for groping, as he was at least “doing gender” correctly according to these women’s assessment; Clinton, however was not, and was therefore to be abhorred. As far as I can see, there’s no other earthly explanation: Clinton rocked the boat of gender and how spouses “should” behave, and conservative women simply couldn’t abide it. They found it less threatening to vote for an admitted groper than to vote for “her”.